There is a new seven week term starting at the Bristol Yoga Space this week. There are also lots of new classes and we are really looking forward to welcoming our fantastic new teachers along.
7:30 - 8:30am Morning Yoga With Eva Schroeder
10:00 - 11:00am Hatha Yoga with Josie Harrington
10:00 - 11:00am Meditation: body and breath with Kay Baxter
18:00 - 19:15pm - Vinyasa Hatha Flow Yoga with Stephanie Cheesman
19:30 - 20:45pm - Hatha Restorative Yoga with Stephanie Cheesman
10:00 - 11:00 Hatha Yoga with Naomi Hayama
12:00 - 13:00 Hatha Yoga with Naomi Hayama
It's best to book in advance and the best way to do this is to contact the teacher directly. The 7 week term costs £56 for daytime classes (£8 per class) and £63 for evening classes (£9 per class). We allow two class swaps per term when you sign up for the whole term. This way, if you need to miss a week or two, you can always make up for it by going to another class on our timetable. See here for terms and conditions.
Drop in costs £11 for daytime class and £12 for an evening class. We also have 5 class pack which costs £48 and £53 for day and evening respectively. The card is valid for two months and it's for use with the same teacher only. Daytime classes are usually an hour long and evening classes are an hour and fifteen minutes. There are concessions available on certain classes.
There are lots of other morning, lunch time and evening yoga classes running at the centre so visit here for more details.
We are currently busy building the new website and creating a logo for the centre. I'm looking forward to sharing it with you soon. As usual, we are making it ourselves so bear with us (this is one of the reason why I'm getting some of my classes covered by other lovely yoga teachers).
I hope your enjoying the longer days and (slightly) warmer weather :)